

Tennis, also known as “the sport of kings”, is a popular racket sport played all over the world. As such, there are many tennis-related phrases and expressions used in English that can be useful for both tennis players and fans.


For example, “love” is used to describe a score of zero in a game, while “deuce” refers to when both players have reached a score of 40-40. “Advantage” indicates that one player is one point ahead and needs just one more point to win the game. A “break point” is a situation in which the receiver can win the game if they win the next point.

In addition to these specific phrases, tennis has also contributed to a number of idioms and expressions in English, such as “to get the ball rolling”, which means to start something, and “to ace something”, which means to do it perfectly.

Whether you’re a tennis player or just a fan of the sport, learning and using some of these tennis-related expressions can help you better understand and appreciate the game of tennis, both on and off the court.


Tennis is a popular sport around the world, and learning how to pronounce the word correctly is important for any tennis fan or player. In English, “tennis” is pronounced “TEN-is”, with the stress on the first syllable.

To improve your English tennis vocabulary, it’s also important to learn other key words and phrases. Some examples include:

– Serve: The act of hitting the ball to start a point.

– Forehand/backhand: Different types of shots players use to hit the ball.

– Ace: A serve that the opponent cannot return.

– Deuce: When both players have 40 points in a game.

– Match point: The point that decides the winner of the match.

By learning these words and phrases, you’ll not only improve your English skills but also enhance your understanding of the game. So, whether you’re playing on the court or watching a match on TV, make sure to pronounce “tennis” correctly and expand your tennis vocabulary to fully enjoy the sport!


As a PhD in tennis, I can confidently say that understanding the English vocabulary of tennis is crucial for players and fans alike. The pronunciation of these words can be tricky, but with practice, anyone can master them.

Firstly, let’s start with the basic strokes in tennis: “forehand” and “backhand” are two most common terms. They are both pronounced with a silent “h”; it should be said as “for-end” and “back-end”. Meanwhile, the serve is pronounced like “serve”, and volley like “vol-lee”.

Other important terms in tennis include “ace”, “deuce”, “love”, “match point” and “tie-break”. These words have very distinct meanings in tennis, and their correct pronunciation can help players and fans understand the action on the court.

Finally, when referring to players, it’s essential to know how to correctly pronounce their names. For instance, Rafael Nadal’s name is pronounced as “rah-fah-el na-dal”. Each player’s name has a unique pronunciation, so it is best to learn them by watching their games or asking others who know.

In conclusion, as a tennis enthusiast, mastering the pronunciation of tennis-related English words can enhance your understanding and appreciation of the sport. With dedicated practice, anyone can confidently say “advantage, love, match point” like a pro.


As a tennis enthusiast, it is important to understand the various English terminologies associated with the sport. The following are some commonly used tennis terms:

1. Ace – a serve that is not touched by the opponent and lands inside the service box

2. Deuce – when both players have won three points each and are tied at 40-all.

3. Forehand – a shot performed by the player’s dominant hand, using the palm facing forwards.

4. Backhand – a shot performed by the player’s non-dominant hand, using the palm facing backwards.

5. Service – the act of hitting the ball to start the game, using an overhand motion.

6. Volley – a shot that is hit in mid-air before it has bounced on the court.

7. Love – scoring zero/0 points.

Knowing these terms will help you communicate effectively with your opponents and better appreciate the sport of tennis.


上一篇 2023年6月8日 23:36
下一篇 2023年6月8日 23:36


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